Photo: L.A.'s Sheraton Gateway LIVE from L.A. Podcast Series Anyone who has seen the shows, "Pimp my ride" and "Cribs," knows that celebrities like to drive fly whips and live in great homes. But where do the nation's hottest stars stay when they travel? We wondered the same thing, so over the next six weeks Black Press Magazine Travel Team will take our show on the road for a 12 part, four-city Celebrity Travel podcast series entitled, "Pimp my trip: Travel like a rockstar." The podcasts will take place in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago. Other important destinations are The Netherlands, the Best Museums in the U.S., and the Cliff house Resort and Spa in Maine.   Special: More than anything, America loves Hollywood. That's why we were so excited when we were invited to the set of the Young and the Restless. Come with us as we Meet the Cast of Young and the Restless, the #1 Daytime Show during this special travel destination story on things to do when you're in Los Angeles. | LIVE from New York Podcast Series These exclusive, one-of-a-kind video podcast series designed for your iPod, iPhone, MP3 player, computer or other personal digital device includes some of the hottest destinations in all five boroughs. Black Press Magazine's exciting series will include ethnic art, lifestyles, sports and music. From the New York Subway Series against the Yankees and the Mets to the best Sports Bars in the City to the "Sexy in the City Where" to Stay guide, our exclusive podcast series kicks off in Harlem, New York. Video Podcast: Experience a LIVE breakdancing session inside the New York Subway at Grand Central Station. Runtime: 02:11 with sound.  Photo: Cliffhouse Resort and Spa Need to relax and take it easy. There's no better place than the Cliffhouse Resort and Spa located in Ogunquit, Maine. A splendid place to visit and rediscover nature, this tiny New England town features everything from canoeing to skiing to old-fashion cuisine, all yearlong. |   Photo: Amsterdam, Holland Forget Paris! When American media execs and communication professionals need time away from the daily grind, there is no place like Holland to let you hair down and get loose. This shot looks up Damrak at the Centraal Station in the heart of Amsterdam. Many destinations are a 5 minute walk including the Red Light District and Sex Museum.  Photo: Ambrosia Cake Even the nicest hotels and best beaches don't really matter if the food isn't good. That's why we take you on a tour of the most delicious food in the nation with our Black Food Tour. Even the nicest hotels and best beaches don't really matter if the food isn't good. That's why we take you on a tour of the most delicious food in the nation with our Black Food Tour. Even the nicest hotels and best beaches don't really matter if the food isn't good. That's why we take you on a tour of the most delicious food in the nation with our Black Food Tour. |