Breaking News: Winners for 2nd Annual Black Press All Stars Announced 
The winner's for 2nd Annual Black Press All Stars Awards are now in.
"All of the publications, publishers and media professionals are winners to me. Day in and day out I see the most amazing commitment to excellence and I'm delighted that the efforts of these dedicated professional now has a national stage. Take Heart and Soul for example. It clearly deserves the most improved Black magazine award because it managed to emerge from bankruptcy and overcome its obstacles. Today, Heart and Soul is again thriving and doing well and I hope you'll all join me congratulating them for their much deserved success. Their efforts give me hope for our struggling industry."
With over 40 writers under her publishing company Strebor, a brand new development deal with Suzanne Depasse and an outstanding film deal with Lions Gate, author Zane was an easy choice for Black Writer of the Year. That's not to say it was an easy choice as Tavis Smiley's "The Covenant" has changed the way Black people related to each other. But, Zane is proving that success comes in many forms and genres and I'm pleased to announce her award.
This year we experienced a tie for the very first time. Black publicists Priscilla Clarke (CBCF, US Dream Academy) and Marilyn Jennings (Tyler Perry) both displayed the type of commitment anyone would want in a publicist. Sure they got the word out about their clients projects and accomplishments, but they did more than that. They moved their clients to new heights. Tyler published a book, signed a television deal and managed to become the first person in U.S. history to ever go into syndication PRIOR to the first airing of his television show. Behind it all was Marilyn working quietly and gracefully and never seeking fame. Priscilla Clarke is the type of person who never rattles. At any given moment she could be putting out fires with reporters, steering disgruntled voters away from clients like Senator Barack Obama or ensuring that sponsors are happy. Thanks to Priscilla, I got to watch Oprah write a MILLION DOLLAR check to the U.S. Dream Academy about a year ago. The Congressional Black Caucus is one of the nation's largest conference and behind all the mayhem is Priscilla who never breaks a sweat. I've been honored over the years to work with both of them and their grace under fire inspires me - as it should with everyone - to remain true to our callings. I'm delighted to announce the tie between these two very deserving and very capable women who are responsible for some of Black America's most important events.
Please join us in congratulating all of our winners and wishing them the best. (Full recap will be published shortly)
Best Black Newspaper
Pure News USA
Best Black Magazine
Black Publisher of the Year
Linda Johnson Rice, EBONY
Best Black Designed Publication Web Site
Black Beat Magazine
Best Black Niche Publication
XXL Magazine
Most Improved Publication
Heart and Soul Magazine
Black Writer of the Year
Zane, After Burn
Black Columnist of the Year
Mark Morial
Black Photographer of the Year
Gordon Parks
Third World Books
Best Black Publicist **
Marilyn Jennings, Tyler Perry
Priscilla Clarke, CBCF
Best Black Radio Station
WBLS FM– New York, NY
Best Black Radio Show
The Steve Harvey Show – New York, NY
Best Black Radio Network
American Urban Radio Network
Best Black Radio Satellite Host
Joe Madison – The Power, XM 169
Best Black College Radio Station
WFSK – Fisk University
Best Black College Newspaper
Howard Hilltop – Howard University
Black Student Journalists to Watch
Natalie Gilmore, Austin Peay University
Best Black Cable Network
TV One
Winners Note:
Red ink denotes the winners. How we chose: Winners were chosen by their commitment to the craft, dedication
to their audience and on corporate citizenship. ** - Tied. Priscilla Clarke and Marilyn Jennings tied for the Best
Black Publicist of the Year. & Due to circumstances beyond our control, winners will receive their awards by mail and where possible, at ^ ceremonies at their places of employment.