Opinion: Howard Student named BlackPodcasts.com Channel Producer 
Washington, DC (BlackPressMagazine.com)
BlackPodcasts.com recently announced the hiring of Jyl Woolfolk and Skyy Daniels (pictured left) to become the online network's first Channel Producers.
Woolfolk will feature Black Celebrity Health and entertainment podcasts and Daniels, who is a communications student at Howard University, will focus on Sports and Hip Hop.
About 10 channel producers will be hired to help run the new online network.
To listen to the podcasts visit http://www.blackpodcasts.com
To be interviewed for a podcast, email [email protected].
Currently undergoing a BETA test phase, Black Podcasts.com features podcasts interviews with publishers, celebrities and Black leaders as well as mainstream subjects. Interviews on the site include rapper Rhymefest, Michael Lewellen formerly of BET, Bryan Monroe of Ebony/JET magazines and international R&B star Paul "Play" Dairo. President Bill Clinton's acceptance speech is also available.
Black Podcasts.com site tracks downloads and listens for the BETA test in order to enhance the service before its official launch this spring. Thus far about 600 downloads and almost 1,000 plays. Plays are defined by the number of people who play the podcast as opposed to downloading. Currently, the top podcasts are on the topic of BET and comedian Loni Love top the most listened to interviews on Black Podcasts.com, which is published by the Historical Black Press Foundation.
During the interview, Black comedian Loni Love defends former Seinfeld star Michael Richards. The BET interview features Black journalists who feel BET discriminated against Black media outlets during the taping of the network's award shows.
The website also features the first ever Black Publishers Podcast Series and Women of the Congressional Black Caucus is currently being produced and will be available shortly.
The Beta test for Black Podcasts.com will end on March 31, 2007. Hear the podcasts now.
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